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Initiative Application Engineering, Information Technology, Business Administration

Welcome to the initiative application pool of Blum.
You are here because you have submitted a speculative application to Blum.
I will assign your application to my responsible colleague in the Employee Recruitment department. He or she will then check with the specialist departments to see if there is a suitable opportunity for you and will get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, I am at your disposal.
Best regards,





Contact Person

Julius Blum GmbH

Werk 2
Claudia Feurstein
Industriestrasse 1
Phone +43 5578 705-2147
initiative application

Initiative Application Engineering, Information Technology, Business Administration

Welcome to the initiative application pool of Blum.
You are here because you have submitted a speculative application to Blum.
I will assign your application to my responsible colleague in the Employee Recruitment department. He or she will then check with the specialist departments to see if there is a suitable opportunity for you and will get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, I am at your disposal.
Best regards,



Julius Blum GmbH

Claudia Feurstein
Phone +43 5578 705-2147